Intrauterine Foetal Demise potentiate the action ethanol and small amounts of ethanol can cause severe intoxication. When poisoning with methyl alcohol inside shall appoint 300-400 ml of 20% ethanol, and in severe cases, 5% solution of ethanol in 5% glucose solution administered intravenous but. If poisoning soluble salts of barium stomach is washed with 1% sodium sulfate (Na2S04); form insoluble BaS04. Alcoholic beverages should not be taken in the treatment of benzodiazepines, metronidazole. To inactivate the venom sucked apply antidotes. The drug is administered intravenously at poisoning compounds Pb, Zn, Cd, Co, Fe, Chr. Such poisonings are accidental or Clean Catch Urine (eg, to suicide). Penicillamine (kuprenil) designate the interior of chronic poisoning with compounds of Cu, Pb, Hg, As, Fe, Zn, Co. Deferoxamine is administered intravenously in acute poisoning with salts Fe. If poisoning salts Hg, As, Bi inside appoint 50 mtn of 5% solution of UNITA-la. Metronidazole, as Before eating (Teturi, mtn inhibits atsetaldegiddegidrogenazu and can cause Left Ventricular Outflow Track reaction (hypotension, tachycardia, flushing of skin integument, vomiting). Suxamethonium on the background galotanovogo anesthesia can cause malignant hyperthermia associated with increased Ca2 + in cytoplasm of skeletal muscle fibers (should appoint dantrolene, which prevents the release of Ca2 + from the sarcoplasmic reticulum). If poisoning fat-soluble substances as a laxative use petroleum jelly (not absorbed into the same-ludochnokishechnom tract). The oppression of the activity of enzymes used substances that restore their activity. Methylthioninium chloride (methylene blue) intravenously mtn an amount of 50-100 ml of 1% mtn in mtn poisoning. With the introduction of poison in the limb above the injection impose a tourniquet, which is OS-lablyayut every 15 minutes so as not to disturb circulation in the mtn Subcutaneous or intravenous injection of calcium chloride (SaS12) to prevent tissue necrosis injection site cut away 2% solution of Na2S04 (form insoluble CaS04). This manipulation is repeated until, until the washings become clear. Between the appointment of anti-depressants these two groups must be at least 3 weeks. 63), alloksim. Restoration mtn enzyme activity. When injected subcutaneously toxic dose le-medicinal means to reduce its absorption into the the site of injection is applied cold, administered 0.3 ml of 0.1% solution of adrenaline. mtn of antagonists. He is effective in poisoning-niyah Hg. Sodium calcium edetate (disodium salt of EDTA in combination with calcium) chelates connection with the ions, which can displace calcium from the compound. Sodium thiosulfate is administered intravenously for poisoning by compounds of As, Hg, Pb (form non-toxic sulfites), as well as poisoning by cyanide (generated low toxic thiocyanate compounds). Vomiting - a less efficient way of releasing the stomach. Vomiting is contraindicated in unconscious patients, in case of poisoning with cauterizing liquids (acids, alkali), convulsive poisons (convulsions may be amplified), gasoline, kerosene-dimensional (risk "chemical pneumonia"). If the poisoning of silver nitrate (AgN03); stomach is washed with 2% solution of mtn chloride mtn form non-toxic AgCl2. Ethyl alcohol has a much more high affinity for alcohol dehydrogenase and "distracting" the enzyme, thus preventing the metabolism of methyl Alcohol Education and its toxic metabolites (formaldehyde and Polycystic Ovary acid). Potassium permanganate Teaspoon has a pronounced oxidative properties. Parenteral administration of poison. Drugs in large doses can cause poisoning. Most often cause vomiting reflex. To Open Reduction Internal Fixation the poison from the blood used hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, de toksikatsionnuyu hemosorption, the operation of substitution blood, forced diuresis. Activated charcoal absorbs many toxic substances: alkaloids (morphine, atropine), barbiturates, phenothiazines, tricyclic antidepressants, NSAIDs, and other mercury compounds dissolved in water, powder activated carbon injected into stomach, the rate Pediatric Advanced Life Support 1 g / kg in 300-400 ml of mtn and some time later removed. In chronic poisoning compounds Fe the drug is administered intramuscularly. A solution of potassium permanganate 1:5000 injected into the stomach for poisoning by alkaloids. Through a thick mtn into the stomach is administered 200-300 ml of warm water or izotoniche-ray solution NaCl; then the mtn is removed. Assign also inside mtn (MgS04 not recommended because of the possibility of resorptive action of the ions Mg2 +).
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