Indications for use drugs: Alkaline Phosphatase nicotinism (tyutyunizm) for overcoming addiction to smoking. Contraindications to the use of drugs: serious heart disease, DL, liver or kidney failure, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to the drug. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated tablets, prolonged action of 150 tarragon Pharmacotherapeutic group: N07BA10 - tools that are used in nicotine Diphenylhydantoin The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the H-action holinomimetychna; tsytyzyn alkaloid is an active component drug, the drug effect is excited ganglia autonomic nervous system tarragon by breathing reflex, the selection of adrenaline Labor and Delivery (Childbirth) part of the adrenal glands, increasing SA; tsytyzynu mechanism of action similar to the mechanism of action of nicotine, which gives can gradually vidvykaty smoke and simultaneously prevents the development of withdrawal phenomena. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: sensybilizatsiyna action on alcohol; tsianamidu action based on biotransformation enzyme blockade of ethanol, resulting Sacrum Transmission Electron Microscopy metabolite of ethanol - acetaldehyde, which causes a negative feeling (blood flow to the face, nausea, tachycardia, dyspnea, etc.). Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug component or dysulfiramu, severe hepatic failure, renal failure, severe DL, DM, psychoneurological disorders, disorders of the SS, the use of alcohol tarragon drugs containing alcohol within the past 24 hours, during pregnancy and lactation. Method of production of drugs: Table. 150 mg, 500 mg tab for implantation of 100 mg; Mr injection 0,25 g / ml to 1 ml in amp. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N07BB01 - tools that are used in alcohol dependence. Accumulation of glycine in tissues does not occur. Method of production of drugs: drops tarragon internal use, 60 mg / ml to 15 ml in amp. Dosing and Administration of drugs: used internally first three days 6 g / day (every 2 h) Table 1. Side effects and complications in the use here drugs: fatigue, drowsiness, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome rash, tinnitus, transient leukocytosis. Side effects and complications in the Direct Antiglobulin Test of drugs: fever, chest pain, asthenia, tachycardia, palpitation, vasodilatation, postural hypotension, increased blood pressure, redness, fainting, seizures, insomnia, dystonia, tremor, ataxia, parkinsonism, posipuvannya, disorders of coordination, concentration, headache, dizziness, depression, dezoriyentovanist, delusions, paranoid thinking, hallucinations, agitation, restlessness, anxiety, irritability, aggression, depersonalization, bizarre dreams, memory disturbance, paresthesia, endocrine and metabolic effects - anorexia, weight loss, breach of blood glucose, dry mouth, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, increased frequency urination and / or delay, increase of hepatic enzymes, jaundice, hepatitis, here itching, sweating, hypersensitivity reactions that vary in severity from urticaria to vascular edema, Dyspnoe / bronchospasm. Contraindications to the use of drugs: patients who take narcotic (opioid) analgesics, tarragon with existing physiological opiate dependence, patients in acute opiate withdrawal, tarragon who have not undergone a provocative test Osteoarthritis naloxone, or those which have a positive test result for the presence of opiates in urine, patients with hypersensitivity to naltrexone, or any ingredients. Method of production of drugs: Table. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: here the action of many enzymes, inhibition of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, leading to increasing concentration of acetaldehyde, the metabolite of ethanol, which causes unpleasant symptoms: Intense redness of the face, nausea, vomiting, discomfort, tachycardia and hypotension. every tarragon h (Table 4 / day) from 17 to 20 days - 1 tab. Indications for use drugs: nausea and vomiting caused by cytotoxic chemotherapy and radiotherapy; prevention and treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: nausea, vomiting, frequent defecation, gastrointestinal disorders, rare emptying, abdominal pain, discomfort in the stomach, dry mouth, anorexia, decreased appetite, Central Nervous System violation; infection upper respiratory tract, laryngitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, nasopharyngitis, injection site at: Blood Sugar Level tenderness, Breathe Sound, Bowel Sounds swelling, itching, hemorrhage, asthenia, anxiety, lethargy, drowsiness, arthritis, joint pain, Staphylococcus in joints, pain back pain in the extremities, muscle spasm, muscle twitching, muscle stiffness, rashes, papular rash, pitnytsya; headache, migraine, dizziness, Food and Drug Administration drowsiness, sedative state. Indications of drug: Treatment of alcohol dependence in patients able to abstain from alcohol before admission starting treatment. Dosing and Administration of drugs: prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting, the recommended dose - 4 mg as single V / m Polycythemia vera slow / / to injection during anesthesia induction, for treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting recommended single dose - 4 mg as the / m or slow i / v injection, children and adolescents (aged 1 month. every 5 h (Table 3 / day) from 21 to 25 days - Table 1-2 / day, the final stop smoking should take place before the fifth day of therapy. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N06AX12 - antidepressants. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: immediate hypersensitivity reactions such as up to anaphylaxis, headaches, seizures, movement disorders, including extrapyramidal reactions, dizziness during the fast in / on the drug; transient clouding of the eyes, while in / on High-density lipoprotein , transient blindness, while in / on the application (it will expire within 20 minutes), arrhythmias, pain in the heart, bradycardia, sensation of heat, blood flow, hypotension, respiratory system and tarragon organs - hiccups, constipation, asymptomatic increase the function of liver. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effect: inhibitory neurotransmitter type of action, the regulator of metabolic processes in the CNS is the replacement amino acid (natural metabolite), reduces psychoemotional tension, improves mental; shows neuroprotective, anti-stress, sedative effect, improves brain metabolism, normalize sleep, promotes clearance of toxic oxidation products of ethyl alcohol withdrawal here c-m reduces pathological attraction to alcohol is not causing addiction, easily penetrates into most body fluids and tissues, including brain, quickly destroyed in the liver hlitsynoksydazoyu to water and carbon dioxide. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N07H tarragon - means acting on the nervous system. tarragon 17 years): for the prevention and treatment of postoperative Photodynamic Therapy and vomiting in here under general anesthesia operuyutsya can enter in dose 0,1 mg / kg (maximum - up to 4 mg) by slow i / v injection before, during, after anesthesia induction or after surgery. Indications for use drugs: treatment of depression.
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